The role of the Horae was to open the gates to permit the passage of the gods to visit earth and to receive them on their safe return. The entrance to Mount Olympus, the home of the gods, was a great gate of clouds, which was guarded by 'the Seasons' or 'Horae', the minor goddesses of time and the ministers of Zeus. mythology aesthetics HORAE In Greek mythology the Horae were the goddesses of the seasons and the natural portions of time. The palaces of the gods and goddesses were above the top of Mount Olympus, far out of the reach of men, and hidden from sight by the protection of the clouds. The names of the Olympian gods who lived on Mount Olympus were Zeus, Hera, Athena, Aphrodite, Hestia or Dionysus, Apollo, Ares, Poseidon, Demeter, Artemis, Hephaestus and Hermes. The Ancient Greeks believed that there were many gods and goddesses who lived above specially protected golden clouds on top of Mount Olympus. The home of the gods on Mount Olympus was described as a beautiful, heavenly paradise, untouched by cold, wind, rains or snow. The Horae - Keepers of the Gates of Clouds on Mount Olympus Carpo: Carpo was the goddess of the corn and fruit-bearing season who personified the maturing of the summer.Auxo: Auxo the goddess of growth and was the personification of autumn.Thallo: Thallo was the goddess of bloom, spring buds and shoots.Thallo, Auxo and Carpo, who were goddesses of the seasons and the order of nature and their roles were as follows: Eirene: Eirene was the spirit of peace and goddess of the springtime.Dike: Dike was the spirit of justice, fair judgements and rights.Eunomia: Eunomia (one of the Horae) was the spirit of good order, and springtime goddess of green pastures.

Eunomia, Dike, and Eirene were goddesses of law and order and their roles were as follows: Picture of Horae: Thallo, Auxo and Carpo (the seasons) and Eunomia, Dike, and Eirene (law and order)Įach of the Horae had specific functions which are detailed below. They are often represented in art as joyous, but gentle maidens, crowned with flowers, and holding each other by the hand in a round dance as shown in the picture. The Horae are always regarded as friendly towards mortals, and totally devoid of guile or subtlety. Other sources name the Horae as Eunomia, Dike, and Eirene, who were goddesses of law and order. The names of the Horae were the trio of Thallo, Auxo and Carpo, who were goddesses of the seasons and the order of nature. Nature was believed to be in unproductive slumber during the winter. The Greeks had only three seasons spring, summer and autumn so the Horae were represented as a trio of goddesses. They were reputed to be beautiful with blooming complexions. The Horae were minor goddesses and nymphs and according to Greek Mythology were the daughters of Zeus, the king of the gods and Themis, the Titan goddess of justice and order. Who were the Horae of Ancient Greek mythology? Definition of the Horae: The Horae or 'the Seasons' were the goddesses of the weather, time and prosperity who maintained the rhythm of the cycle of vegetation.